Notting Hill Carnival 2022 event space - enabling a bank holiday weekend event including photography workshops with young people and an early evening event for young people

Primary school playground mural - a playground mural incl mosaic working with years 4, 5, 6. The project was inspired by a pupil’s request to design a mural to improve a rundown wall. That pupil was supported to launch school competition and work with classmates and Brownbaby to develop and deliver a final design. Masking and stencil techniques allowed many children to paint directly onto the wall, supplemented by individual mosaics

Untold Stories - gained funding from the GLA to develop a way of working with intergenerational groups. Began to develop with a practitioner from community collective, Community Centred Knowledge. The intention is to work with Pepperpot Centre for Caribbean elders and young people from a local Primary School

Underground Spaces - Brownbaby were approached by a London Underground Leadership Team staff member in June 2021 to discuss how BB could support the development of local station spaces. This has since grown into a full development project with LU, RBKC, Energy Garden and Westway Trust, with funding from the GLA Future Neighbourhoods Fund. BB provides the community connection and steer, having formed a committed Steering Group of local people. This partnership have been working toward gaining full access for the local community to these healthy green spaces.

Kelso Cochrane Legacy - Ongoing development stages of a major public arts project to acknowledge, celebrate and develop the legacy of a key person in North Kensington and British history.

Our Library. Saved - support for the Friends of North Kensington Library to produce annual events that celebrate the successful campaign to save the library

Predictably, the effects of the Grenfell Tower Fire continue to have a significant impact on the community of North Kensington and those working in and around the community. It is very much now a part of the fabric of our local communities.
The Brownbaby Chair, practitioners and volunteers continue to dedicate time and effort to the ongoing response.
Involvement in 2022 has included:
● Green for Grenfell Illuminations Fifth Anniversary. Illumination of eight local residential tower blocks and Grenfell Tower itself. Working with 4 Resident Associations (Silchester, Trellick, Ed Woods) and two local authorities (RBKC & LBHF). Support for illuminating various other community and residential spaces, including All Saints church.
● Distributing green gel for local people to turn lights green. Continued from previous years, having received a substantial donation of green gel from a professional manufacturer, LEE Filters.
● Green for Grenfell Illumination - Alton Estate, Roehampton. Illuminating a major housing estate in South West London, in collaboration with a local resident action group

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